"It should be noted that five hospitals that presently serve as strokeunits (A&E hospitals) would no longer offer stroke, acute, or rehabilitative care.These are Ealing (Southall), Central Middlesex (Harrow), Queen Mary’s (Sidcup),The Whittington (Islington) and Chase Farm (Enfield)."
Southall? I thought it was in Hanwell. Never mind -- wherever it is, it'll be flatlining shortly.
So if you're planning on having a massive stroke in Ealing from next year, cross your fingers the journey to Harrow or Hammersmith will be shorter than the journey to Heaven. And spare a thought next time you see the blue lights flashing in your rear view mirror, battling east along the Great West Road.
How did our politicians perform then? Ealing Council spoke up for Ealing Hospital but didn't exactly rock the boat. Virendra Sharma, to be fair, did his best. Stephen Pound for once fell unusually silent and ostrich-like -- and did nothing. Ian Gibb followed developments and supported Ealing Hospital. Angie Bray, who seems to ignore any issue that looks like trouble, didn't have any kind of vocal opinion. Phil Taylor who has an opinion about everything was somewhere else. Nothing from Bassam Mahfouz. Looks to me like they all failed.
Anyway, here's the map of the future (red cross = stroke unit):